This is the Ministry of Education policy on school trials: Under Section 21 of the Education Act 1989 your exemption will cease when you enrol your child at school. However, if you trial school for a period of 10 weeks or less and then return to home education, a new exemption application will not be required unless there has been a material change of circumstances.

You should contact your local Ministry of Education office and let them know your child will be trialling school. If you make the decision to return to home education, you should contact the office again and let them know you’d like your exemption reinstated.


This is the Ministry of Education policy on how your home education allowance will be affected:

Your Certificate of Exemption and home education supervision allowance may be impacted, depending on how long your child attends school:

0-28 days – no effect on your Certificate of Exemption or allowance

29 days – 10 weeks – no effect on your Certificate of Exemption, but your allowance will be reduced based on the length of time that your child was attending school

More than 10 weeks – your Certificate of Exemption will cease


See the Ministry of Education website for more information.